Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shit other people ask or tell me…

1. “Where are you from?” –Bulgaria (So I’ve been often asked at least once a day.)
“Oh, I know where it is.”- Oh, really? Where?
“Across the ocean…?” – Yes, as soon as you’re traveling east…

2. “We will all die in December 2012.” BS, we are though human beings. After all we survived Obama’s care; we can survive the Mayan’s calendar prediction. 

3. “See you later.”- Yeah right, don’t bother if you don’t mean it “later”. 

4. “It’s free.”- And what do I have to do or give you to get it “free”?!

5. “I forgot my wallet.”- Yeah, I’ll get the bill this time, and there is no next time going out with you! 

6. “It’s always 5 o’clock somewhere.” -Excuse for drinking or getting drunk??

7. “I’ll do it later.” -That always means “never”

8. “Do you watch football?”- You mean rugby? American football? Because everywhere else on this planet football is well known as soccer. .. 

9. “Do you want sugar with that?”- Yes, please. 
“Splenda, sugar twin, NutraSweet…” -No, I mean real sugar!
 “How about cream?” -Yes, please. 
“Nonfat, 2%, skim milk, half and half…” -No, I mean real cream. 
“Any butter?”- Ughh, yes… 
“I can’t believe it’s not butter?” -Excuse me; I can’t believe you just asked me that!

10. “Twilight is the best movie ever made.” - You are not old enough!

11. “You can’t do it.” – Yes, I can!

12. “I can’t do it.” – Yes you can, you are just lazy…

13. “It’s a secret.” – Yeah, that everyone else knows, but me?!

14. “There are four seasons in Wisconsin.”- No, there are only two- nine months of winter and the rest- constructions!

15. “Ma’am,  I am so sorry but we don’t know where your son is…” (My son’s formal school calling me on the phone…)


  1. Where are you from? I hear you, I get this question every couple of hours lol, and it cracks me up when the people who ask this question don't even know where Canada is

  2. Gosh, I couldn't agree more with you on " the football thing", I wonder since when concussion ball could be compared to the real football, aka soccer lol
